Chapter 3 Section 3.5 Guideline #1 Tasks #1 & #2 Study Guide 


1.      Inorganic Compounds are subdivided into three Categories:
a. Ionic* :         Metal + Nonmetal  
Molecular:  Nonmetal-Nonmetal
Acids:            Hydrogen + Nonmetal in aqueous solution

*(also called Salts, Minerals, and Body Electrolytes)

      2. Look at the periodic Chart to differentiate Metals from Nonmetals


     Task #11 & #12: Classify Inorganic Compound
            By the Element Written 1st in the Formula

                                (see #1 above)

Task #11: Inorganic Compound Names

Task #12: Inorganic Compound Formulas





 To be an Ionic Compound:

a.  the element written first in either the name or the formula is a metallic ion (Cation)

b. The element written second is a nonmetallic ion (Anion). 

c.  Salts are metallic and nonmetallic ionic compounds


     Predict the Charge on the Cation and Anion (Use the Periodic Chart).

                         Cation                                              Anion


     d. There are no molecules of salts-just macro ionic lattices.


     e. Name the metallic element. 

      f.   If the metallic element has more than one ionic state,

            write a ROMAN NUMERAL after the element’s name in parenthesis 

            to indicate which charge state the metallic element is using to form the compound.





g.   Name the nonmetallic element name from the formula:
1. Drop the suffix off the nonmetal’s name and add -ide which indicates the salt is binary

(exceptions: cyanide & hydroxide which are polyatomic ions).




           NaCl                Sodium Chloride (table salt)

           Al2O3               Aluminum oxide

           FeS                  Iron( II) sulfide  (Latin Name Ferrous Sulfide)

           Fe2O              Iron(III) oxide*  (Latin Name Ferric oxide)
*(also called rust as explained in Guideline 4)


To complete Project #5 Task#1, you will write the names of 10 Binary Ionic Compounds from the formula.( Do not forget to put the Roman numeral if the element has more than one ionic charge possible [Transitional metals])


Task #1 Link: 


Task #2: Binary (ionic) Compound Formulas




To write the formula from the name of the salt

 Use the following procedure:

 (a) Write the symbols (or formulas for radicals) of the ions represented
       For Example: 
Calcium nitride


                   Ca          N

02_15  PeriodicChartIonicCharges

(c)  Use the periodic chart to write the ion charge of each element (or polyatomic ion) as                            Calcium nitride

                               Ca+2     N-3

  (d ) Find the L.C.M. (Least common multiple) of the positive and negative charge.

 The LCM is the smallest number that both charges will decide into evenly.  The LCM is  the total electrons transferred.  Therefore, it represents the total  positive charge created by the metallic ions and the total negative charge created by the nonmetallic ions.  This may  be proved by drawing the dot structure of the compound showing all electrons transferred.

 The LCM of +2 and -3 is 6,  

 therefore 6 e-1 are transferred creating a total positive charge of +6,

and the total negative charge of -6

                 +6 --> 6e-1--> -6
                Ca+2               N-3

 (d   (d) Divide the LCM by the positive charge, this dividend will represent the subscript behind the metallic ion in the formula.

+6 divided by +2 = 3; therefore half of the formula is:   


 (e)  Divide the LCM by the negative charge, this dividend will represent the number of nonmetallic ions in the formula.

-6 divided by -3 = 2; therefore the other half of the formula is:  





2nd Example:           Potassium phosphide

                                               Write Charges:

                           K+1 P -3

                                                 LCM:    3

                                                                    Balance the chemical formula:


   3rd  Example  



To complete Project #5 Task#2, you will write the formulas of 10 Binary Ionic Compounds from the name. (Do not forget the Roman numeral if the element has more than one ionic charge possible [most Transitional metals])


Task #2 Link: