Chapter 3 Section 3.5 Guideline #5 Tasks #9 & #10

Binary -Ternary Acids Names and Formulas


         Fifth guideline (Not in the Book)

        Compounds which have Hydrogen written first in
        the formula and are in
aqueous solutions (aq)
 are  known as Binary and Ternary Acids

                          HClO4 (aq)       Perchloric Acid

                      HClO3 (aq)       Chloric Acid

                      HClO2 (aq)       Chlorous Acid

                      HClO (aq)         Hypochlorous Acid

                      HCl (aq)            Hydrochloric Acid



Acids are classified as Strong Acids and Weak Acids (Chapter 10)

      Strong Acids                            Weak Acids

Strong acids ionize 100% in a water solution, while
Weak Acids ionize less than 5% in a water solution.


A brief tutorial for names and formulas of acids follows:

If hydrogen is written first in a chemical formula, there are two ways to name the compound.

                           1. As a pure molecular compound or  
                           2. As
an aqueous acid:

Step #1: If the compound is a pure molecular compound then you name it just as if it were an ionic compound:

    HCl          hydrogen chloride                        H3PO4     hydrogen phosphate

    HClO        hydrogen hypochlorite                H2SO4      hydrogen sulfate

    HClO2      hydrogen chlorite                          H2SO     hydrogen sulfite

    HClO3      hydrogen chlorate                         HBr          hydrogen bromide

    HClO4      hydrogen Perchlorate                   HF            hydrogen fluoride   

    H2CO3     hydrogen carbonate                       HI            hydrogen iodide   

    HC2H3O2   hydrogen acetate                          H2C2O4    hydrogen oxalate


Writing hydrogen first in a chemical formula indicates that when you dissolve the compound in water, a water molecule has the ability to pull the hydrogen off  (from strong electronegative elements like oxygen)  the molecule HXO3 and creating hydronium ions, H3O1+ and  a negative ion XO31- (cation).


The way you indicate this ionic solution is to write the formula followed by (aq) meaning a water solution:  HXO3 (aq) .

Step #2 is to drop the first word hydrogen and
add a second word

    HCl          hydrogen chloride acid (aq)

    HClO        hydrogen hypochlorite acid (aq)

    HClO2      hydrogen chlorite acid (aq)

    HClO3      hydrogen chlorate acid (aq)

    HClO4      hydrogen perchlorate acid (aq)

    H3PO4     hydrogen phosphate acid (aq)

    H2CO3     hydrogen carbonate acid (aq)

    H2SO4     hydrogen sulfate acid (aq)

    H2SO3     hydrogen sulfite acid (aq)

    HC2H3O2   hydrogen acetate acid (aq)

    H2C2O4    hydrogen oxalate acid (aq)

    HBr          hydrogen bromide acid (aq)

    HF            hydrogen fluoride acid (aq)

    HI            hydrogen Iodide acid (aq)

Step #3 is to drop the suffix from the ANION and make the following substitution with another suffix:

    Change the -ate to -ic

    Change the -ite to -ous

 but instead of coming up with a third suffix for -ide ,
 they reused the
-ic for -ide and added a prefix hydro-
(Do not get this confused with the prefix hypo- which means 'under'.)


    HCl         hydrochloric  acid (aq)

    HClO       hypochlorous acid (aq)

    HClO2      chlorous acid (aq)

    HClO3      chloric  acid (aq)

    HClO4      perchloric  acid (aq)

    H3PO4      phosphoric  acid  (aq) (Put the -or- syllable back in the name)

    H2CO3      carbonic  acid (aq)

    H2SO4      sulfuric  acid  (aq) (Put the -ur- syllable back in the name)

    H2SO3      sulfurous acid (aq) (Put the -ur- syllable back in the name)

    HC2H3O2   acetic  acid (aq(Notice the three hydrogens written after carbon are
                                                                     NOT ionizable and not written first in the formula)

    H2C2O4     oxalic acid (aq)

    HBr          hydrobromic acid (aq)

    HF            hydrofluoric acid (aq)

     HI               hydroiodic acid (aq)


Chapter 3 Section 3.5 Guideline #5 Tasks #9 & #10

    Task #9 Names of Binary-Ternary Acids


    Task #10 Formulas of Binary-Ternary Acids