CHM 1020                        Name: ____Answers_________

Path 4 Chapter 2 Part V: Chapter 2 Vocabulary
The following Chapter 2 Vocabulary terms may be found at the end of Chapter 2:
Summary of Terms page 49.

1. Absolute zero is the lowest possible temperature, which is the temperature at which the atoms of a substance have no kinetic energy,

2. alchemy was a medieval endeavor concerned with turning other metals into gold


3. atoms extremely small fundamental units of Matter


4. Avagadro’s Law is a gas law that describes the direct relationship between the volumes of a gas and the number of gas particles it contains at constant temperature and pressure


5. boiling is evaporation in which bubbles form beneath the surface of a liquid. (When the vapor pressure of the liquid equal the external pressure applied to the liquid)

6. Boyles Law is a gas law that describes the indirect relationship between the pressure of a gas sample and its volume at constant temperature(The volume of a gas varies inversely proportional to a change in its pressure at constant temperature)

7. Charles Law Is a gas law that describes the direct relationship between the volume of a gas sample and its absolute (or Kelvin) temperature at constant pressure. (The Volume of a Gas varies Directly proportional to its Kelvin temperature at constant pressure).


8. condensation is the transformation of a gas to a liquid.


9. density is the amount of mass contained in a sample divided by the volume of the sample.


10. energy is the capacity to do work


11. evaporation is the transformation of a liquid to a gas.


12. Freezing is the transformation of a liquid to a solid


13. Gas is matter that has neither a definite volume nor a definite shape, always filling any space available to it.


14. Heat is the energy that flows from one object to another because of a temperature difference between the two


15. Cold is defined as the absence of heat,


16. Ideal Gas Law is a gas law that summarizes the pressure, volume, Kelvin temperature, and number of particles of a gas. Summarized by the formula PV=nRT (Where T must be Kelvin temperature)


17. kinetic energy is energy due to motion.


18. Kinetic Molecular Theory is a theory that defines the properties of solids, liquids, and gases by proposing that they consist of rapidly moving tiny particles, either atoms or molecules, or both.


19. Liquid is matter that has definite volume but no definite shape, assuming the shape of its container


20. mass is the quantitative measure of how much matter an object contains


21. melting is the transformation of a solid to a liquid


22. molecule is an extremely small fundamental structure built of atoms


23. potential Energy is stored energy or energy of position


24. solid is matter that has definite shape and definite volume.


25. temperature is how warm or cold an object relative to some standard. Also, a measure of the average kinetic energy per molecule of a substance, measured in degrees Celsius, degrees Fahrenheit, or kelvin.


26. thermometer is an instrument used to measure temperature


27. volume is the amount of space an object occupies


28. weight is the gravitational force of attraction between two bodies (where one is usually the Earth)


29. sublimation is the transformation of a solid directly to a gas


30. deposition is the transformation of a gas directly to a solid


31. triple point is the temperature and pressure at which all three phases of matter (solid, liquid, and gas) are in equilibrium


32. barometer is an instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure