element test title

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INSTRUCTIONS: You will be asked to spell 36 elements correctly from McMurry 7th edition element list in Chapter 1, Table 1.2 Also, all 36 elements. You will be given the element's chemical symbol and atomic number. First, Enter your name and student E-Mail address above. Then press the 'Start Quiz' button to begin. The element's symbol and atomic number will appear in the Question Box below and the picture frame on the left. In the right picture frame a photo image of the element. You should note the element's location on the periodic chart at the bottom of this page. When you have completed the 36 elements press the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the page. You will receive a copy of this email and your instructor, Professor John Taylor, which will show all your misspellings.
Chemical Symbol

Correct:    Total:
Photo of Element
Question: Spell the following Element:

periodic table

Some Graphic Images courtsey of Chem-4-Kids Web Site: