CHM1025C Module One: Sample Exam Homework

Part E1: Energy Transformations                         5 points


Identify two forms of energy that are involved in each of the following energy conversions:


1.    relating to a fossil fuel plant:

         a. Burning coal converts water to steam:



         b. A turbine spins and drives an electrical generator:




2.   Solar Hot Water Energy Panels:




3.   Photovoltaic Solar Energy Panels:




4.   Radioactive emissions vaporize water into steam




5.   Identify two forms of energy that are involved in each of the following devices:


a.   Flashlight


b.   Solar Calculator


c.   Lead-acid battery


6.   Classify the following energy sources as renewable and nonrenewable:
a. Biomass                                                f.  Hydropower
b. Petroleum                                              g. Coal
c. Geothermal                                            h. natural gas
d. Wind                                                       i.  solar

e.   Uranium                                                j.  propane