CHM1025C Module One: Sample Exam Homework  ANSWERS


Part D: Chemical/Physical/Nuclear Change   5 points

State whether each of the following is a physical change,  a chemical change, or a nuclear change:


___chemical ______1. Electricity decomposes water.



___ physical ______ 2. Methanol dissolves in gasoline



___ physical_______ 3. Dry ice pellets disappear



___ chemical _____ 4. Iron oxidizes to rust



___ physical  _____ 5. Bromine vaporizes into a reddish-brown gas



___ nuclear______ 6. Uranium-235 splits into two small elements when bombarded

                                         with neutrons in an atomic bomb.


___ physical ______7. Copper conducts heat



___ chemical _____8. Baking soda fizzes in vinegar



____ physical _____9. Grinding sugar crystals into a powder



____ chemical ____10. Sodium reacts with chlorine gas



____ physical _____11. Adding air to a tire


____ physical _____12. Slicing an orange into wedges


____ nuclear  _____13. Hydrogen atoms fuse into helium atoms in a hydrogen bomb


____ physical _____14.” Dry ice”(Solid Carbon dioxide) vaporizes (sublimes) into a

                                          gas at room temperature and sea level pressure


____ chemical ____15. Natural Gas burns with a blue flame