Module 2 Pretest Homework Packet

Part D: Metric System Basic Units/Numerical Prefixes        5 points

Fill in the blank with the proper basic unit or metric prefix, then in the parenthesis put the unit’s or prefix’s abbreviation (Use table from Chapter 3):


____________(    )    1. Basic unit of length in the metric system


____________(    )    2. Basic unit of volume in the metric system


____________(    )    3.  Basic unit of mass in the metric system (not SI)


__________(    )   4. Metric prefix which means 1/1000 of a unit


__________(    )    5. Metric prefix which means 1000 units


__________(    )    6. Metric prefix which means 1/100 of a unit


__________(    )    7.  Metric prefix which means 1/10 of a unit


__________(    )    8.  Metric prefix which means 1,000,000 units


__________(    )    9.  Metric prefix which means 1/1000000 ( 10-6) of a unit


__________(    )  10. Metric Prefix which means 1/1000000000 ( 10-9) of a unit


__________(     )  11. Metric Prefix which means 1,000,000,000 ( 109) units


Bonus ½ point each state


__________(     )  Metric Prefix which means 1/1000000000000 ( 10-12) of a unit


__________(     )  Metric prefix which means 1,000,000,000,000 ( 1012) units


__________(     )  Metric prefix which means 1,000,000,000,000 ( 1012) units



Metric Prefix Table:


Metric System Animation:


Additional Homework (not required) for your practice:

Corwin 7th edition:  Page 59:  #1-#10

