CHM1032C Module Homework Packet     Name:___________________


Chapter 1i: Matter (Formerly Module 1)

A. _____(01) Matter Chart- Section 1.3 Corwin Fig 1.7  Answers

A1.____ (01) Matter Chart Applications  Answers

B. _____(02) Element-Symbol- Section 1.4 Corwin Table 3.3  Answers    Fig 3.4 Tabl 3.2

B1._____(02) Element Flash Cards (Hard Copy or Online)

B2._____(01) Element Identification Homework/Mixer (Click on Element for Answer)

C. ______(01) Element Classification- Section 1.5 Corwin Fig 3.5  Answer

C1.____ (01) Compounds and Chemical Formulas Section 3.3  Answers

D1,____ (01) Chemical and Physical Properties Section 1.7 Answers

D. _____(01) Chemical/Physical/Nuclear Change Sec 1.7 Answers Fig 3.1 Fig 3.6 Fig 3.11 Fig 3.12

E. _____(01) Forms of Energy Sec 1.13/7.1/lecture Answers Fig 3.13 Fig 3.14 Fig 3.15 Fig 3.16

E1.____ (01) Energy Transformations Lecture See Practice/Concept Exercise Answers

F. _____(03) Phase Diagram (From Lecture) Section 1.2 Answers

F1.____ (01) Phase Diagram Applications

_______(17) Module 1i Total (First Exam)


          Chapter One: Part A Matter Chart   01 point


Draw below a matter chart similar to the chart in section 3.1 page 47 of the Hein Foundations Chemistry text or it may be of your own design as long as it clearly denotes lines which describe which words are subunits of the more general word.  The chart should include the following: homogeneous mixtures, heterogeneous mixtures, Matter, Pure Substances, Mixtures, Compounds, Elements, Solutions, Atoms, Molecules/Formula Units, and Colloids/Suspensions. Also draw/label the arrows: Separate Physically and Separate Chemically:

























Matter Chart Homework Critical Thinking:


Chapter One: Part A1 Matter Chart-Critical Thinking Application  1 point


1.  Where would you place: colloids in the matter chart?



2. If you subdivided Inorganic Compounds and Organic Compounds under compounds.,  sketch below where would you put: Salts, Acids, Bases, Covalent Compounds?



3. Sketch below and show under which subdivision would you put:

Electrons, Protons, and Neutrons



4. . Sketch below and show under which subdivision would you put:

electrons, protons, neutrons, nucleus, orbitals










Chapter  One Homework Packet


Hein 14th Edition List

CHM 1032C Chapter One Homework Packet


Chapter One Part B: Element/Symbol   2 points

In the blanks below, write the symbol for the element listed , or write the name (with correct spelling for the element represented by its symbol:


1.  Magnesium          _____                                     21.  Cl             __ ___________


2.  Manganese         _____                                     22.  F              _____________          


3.  Tungsten              _____                                     23.  I                _____________


4.  Platinum               _____                                     24.  Br             _____________


5.  Gold                      _____                                     25.  Zn            _____________


6.  Silver                     _____                                     26.  H              _____________


7.  Iron                        _____                                     27.  O              _____________


8.  Tin                         _____                                     28.  N              _____________


9.  Helium                  _____                                     29.  C              _____________


10. Antimony                        _____                                     30.   K             _____________


11. Lead                     _____                                     31.   P             _____________


12. Argon                   _____                                     32.   B             _____________


13.  Neon                   _____                                     33.   Al            _____________


14.  Krypton               _____                                     34.  Cr            _____________


15.  Arsenic               _____                                     35.  Ca           _____________


16.  Mercury              _____                                     36.  Bi             _____________


17.  Copper               _____                                     37.  Sr             _____________


18.  Cobalt                 _____                                     38.  Si             _____________


19.  Beryllium            _____                                     39.  Ni             _____________


20.  Selenium           _____                                     40.  Li             _____________


Chapter One Part B1: Element/Symbol Paper or Online Flashcards   2 points



CHM 1032C   Chapter One:   B2 Element Identification Homework  01point 

Identify each of the following elements chalk board representation:

b_chalk.gif      cl_chalk.gif

1. Element: _______________Symbol:_____   2.Element: _______________Symbol:_____

h_chalk.gif      na_chalk.gif

3. Element: _______________Symbol:_____   4.Element: _______________Symbol:_____

o_chalk.gif         al_chalk.gif

5. Element: _______________Symbol:_____   6.Element: _______________Symbol:_____

fe_chalk.gif         as_chalk.gif

7. Element: _______________Symbol:_____   8.Element: _______________Symbol:_____

f_chalk.gif    cu_chalk.gif

9. Element: _______________Symbol:_____   10.Element: _______________Symbol:_____



CHM1032C Chapter  One Homework Packet


Chapter One Part C: Element Classification           01 point

Using the periodic chart provided, in the blanks below write the classification of the elements listed:


The classifications of the elements are:


Semimetals (Metalloids);


Nonmetals-Nobel Gases;

Nonmetals-Class by Itself

Use the above classifications to classify each of the following elements.

You must split the nonmetals into three subclasses:


1.    12C6                     ______________                


2.    39K19                    ______________                


3.    11B5                     ______________                


4.    1H1                       _________________


5.    4He2                    _________________


6.    56Fe26                         _________________


7.    238U92                         _________________


8.    73Ge32                       _________________  


9.    9Be4                           _________________  


10.  86Rn222                    _________________  



CHM1032C Module One Homework Packet

Part C1: Compounds and Chemical Formulas (Section3.4)  2 points


1.   State the Law of Definite Composition:



2.   Define Molecule:



3.   The chemical formula for vitamin B3 is:  C6H6N2O


In One Molecule How Many:


_____ carbon atoms


_____ oxygen atoms


_____ total atoms


4.   Write the chemical formula for Vitamin B6 which has eight Carbon atoms, 11 Hydrogen atoms, one Nitrogen atom, and three Oxygen atoms:



How many total atoms are there in one Vitamin B6 molecule?


5.   Citric Acid (in citrus fruit) has the following chemical formula:




In one molecule of Citric Acid, How many:


______Carbon atoms


______Oxygen Atoms


______ Hydrogen Atoms


______ total atoms


How many atoms are in the following complex ion molecule:

[Cr(N2H4CO)6]4[Cr(CN)6]3     _______atoms


CHM1032C Module One Homework Packet


Part D: Chemical/Physical/Nuclear Change   2 points

State whether each of the following is a physical change,  a chemical change, or a nuclear change:


__________________1. Electricity decomposes water.



__________________ 2. Methanol dissolves in gasoline



__________________ 3. Dry ice pellets disappear



__________________ 4. Iron oxidizes to rust



__________________ 5. Bromine vaporizes into a reddish-brown gas



__________________ 6. Uranium-235 splits into two small elements when bombarded

                                         with neutrons in an atomic bomb.


___________________7. Copper conducts heat



___________________8. Baking soda fizzes in vinegar



___________________9. Grinding sugar crystals into a powder



__________________10. Sodium reacts with chlorine gas



__________________11. Adding air to a tire



__________________12. Slicing an orange into wedges



__________________13. Hydrogen atoms fuse into helium atoms in a hydrogen bomb



__________________14.” Dry ice”(Solid Carbon dioxide) vaporizes into a gas at room

                                           temperature and sea level pressure


__________________15. Natural Gas burs with a blue flame




CHM1032C Chapter One: Sample Exam Homework


Part D1: Chemical/Physical/Nuclear Properties (Section 3.6)  1 point

1. Define: Physical Property:



2. Chemical Property:



3. Classify each of the following as a chemical or physical property:


a.          Color  _________________


b.          Odor  _________________


c.          Reaction with water:  ____________________


d.         Solubility in water:      ____________________


e.          Melting point:             ____________________


f.           Boiling point:              ____________________


g.          Sublimation Point:      ____________________


h.          Reaction with oxygen  ____________________


i.            Density:       ____________________


j.            Solid state:  ___________________


k.          Reaction producing a Gas:  _____________________


l.            Conductor of electricity:       _____________________


m.        Water is insoluble in gasoline: _____________________


n.          Good conductor of heat:  _____________________


o.          Two chemical when mixed gives of heat: ___________________


p.          Appearance at Room Temperature:  ___________________


q.          An element turns black when heated ___________________


r.           Silver tarnishes in Air ____________________


s.           An element is radioactive: ________________



CHM1025C Chapter One Homework Packet

Part E: Energy/Forms of Energy                      1 point


Define Energy:





What is the difference between the two types of energy:  potential and kinetic energy?








List the six different forms of energy as an energy wheel as stated in the book:










Define the Law of Conservation of Energy:





Reword the Law of Conservation of Energy into the first law of thermodynamics:




Which state of matter has the lowest kinetic energy?



What is the “Heat Death Theory of the Universe”?



Bonus: define Gravitational Energy; Tidal Energy; Sound Energy; Magnetic Energy; Radiant Energy; Dark Energy


CHM1025C Chapter One Homework Packet

Part E1: Energy Transformations                         1 point


Identify two forms of energy that are involved in each of the following energy conversions:


1.    relating to a fossil fuel plant:

         a. Burning coal converts water to steam:



         b. A turbine spins and drives an electrical generator:




2.   Solar Hot Water Energy Panels:




3.   Photovoltaic Solar Energy Panels:




4.   Radioactive emissions vaporize water into steam




5.   Identify two forms of energy that are involved in each of the following devices:


a.           Flashlight


b.           Solar Calculator


c.           Lead-acid battery


6.   Classify the following energy sources as renewable and nonrenewable:
a. Biomass                                                f.  Hydropower
b. Petroleum                                    g. Coal
c. Geothermal                                 h. natural gas
d. Wind                                             i.  solar

e.           Uranium                                  j.  propane




CHM1025C Chapter One Homework Packet

Part F: Phase Diagrams                         3 points


Identify the points labeled on the

Phase Diagram of water:







_____________________B.              _____________________H


_____________________C.              _____________________I


_____________________D.              _____________________J


_____________________E.               _____________________K












CHM1025C Chapter One Homework Packet

Phase Diagram for Carbon Dioxide.




_____________________M.               ____________________T


_____________________N.              _____________________U


_____________________O.              _____________________V


_____________________P.               _____________________W









CHM1025C Chapter One Homework Packet

Part F1: Phase Diagram Applications

                        1 point


A demonstration of heating iodine in a beaker has purple vapors..can you explain using the phase diagram above?











Dr. Lukacs Pod Cast Chapter 1 McMurry 7th




Chemistry Essentials










Chapter 1ii: ChemMath and Measurement (Hein 14th Chapter 2) 

G. _____(01) Significant Figures- Section 1.9  Answers

H. _____(01) Round Off/Math of Significant Figures- Section 1.11 Answers          

I. ______(01) Scientific Notation  Section 1.10 Answers

J. ______(01) Metric Basic Units /Numerical Prefixes- Section 1.8 Table 2.1  Answers

K. _____(01) Metric System Conversion Factors- Section 1,8 Answers

N. _____(05) Unit Analysis Sections 1.12 Answers Pretest #2 Ans2 Online Site

O. _____(02) Temperature Conversion Section 1.13 Answers         

P. ______(02)  Density/Specific Gravity/Volume Calculations Section 1.14 Answers hi

Q.  _____ (02) Specific Heat Calculation/Ice Cube Problem Section 1.13   Answers hi

_______(16) Chapter 1ii Total (First Exam)


Chapter One-Part G: Significant figures                                  1 point

In the blank, state the number of significant figures in each of the following measurements:


____1.  0.05 mL                                           


____2.  250.0 cm                                         


____3.   456,000,000 people                  


_____4.  1000 g


_____5.  0.00006500 moles


_____6. 0.00200 kg


_____7. 50 seconds


_____8. 50.0 Seconds


_____9. 50.00 Seconds


_____10. 0.05 Seconds


Significant Digit Animation:













Chapter One Homework Packet

Chapter 1-Part H: Rounding Off & Arithmetic Operations of Sign. Figures     1 point


Round off the following numbers to three significant figures:


(1) 1.598 x 106 =   _____________          



(2) 0.000 000 484 500 = _________________



(3)  0.01045  =  _______________



(4)  1.98754 X10-7 =  ________________


Perform the following addition/subtraction/multiplication/division operations and express the answer using the proper units and significant figures:


(5)    4        mL                                                           

      16.3     mL                                                        

 +     0.953 mL




(6)   376.5  mL

     -   76     mL



(7)    16.5 cm

     X   1.7 cm




(8)       12.0  g ÷ 1.00 g =


           12.0  g / 1.00 g =



(9)  9.2 cm  X  9.20 cm  X  3.14 X  22.65cm  =



(10)  (5398 cm3 – 2060.2 cm3) /16.8 cm3/sphere  =










CHM 1032C Chapter One Homework Packet


Chapter One-Part I: Exponential Numbers and Scientific Notation 1 point

Express the following ordinary numbers in scientific notation (If greater than three significant figures, round off to three significant figures:


(1)   1,010,100,000,000, 000  = ________________   



(2)   0.000 000 000 000 019   =  ________________  



(3)   456,789   = _________________



(4)   0.0001198 = _____________



(5)    1,000,000 = ______________



 (6)   0.000200  = ______________



(7) Express the following  products in exponential form


2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 = ______________



(8) and use your calculator to calculate the value:


Value = ___________________



(9)  Express the following powers often notation:


1 x 100 = ______          1 X 101=______     1 x 10-1 =  _________



(10) Express the ordinary number in scientific notation in three significant figures:


60,230,000,000,000,000,000,000 =  _______________________








Chapter One Homework Packet

Part J: Metric System Basic Units/Numerical Prefixes        1 point

Fill in the blank with the proper basic unit or metric prefix, then in the parenthesis put the unit’s or prefix’s abbreviation (Use table from Chapter 3):


____________(    )    1. Basic unit of length in the metric system


____________(    )    2. Basic unit of volume in the metric system


____________(    )    3.  Basic unit of mass in the metric system (not SI)


__________(    )   4. Metric prefix which means 1/1000 of a unit


__________(    )    5. Metric prefix which means 1000 units


__________(    )    6. Metric prefix which means 1/100 of a unit


__________(    )    7.  Metric prefix which means 1/10 of a unit


__________(    )    8.  Metric prefix which means 1,000,000 units


__________(    )    9.  Metric prefix which means 1/1000000 ( 10-6) of a unit


__________(    )  10. Metric Prefix which means 1/1000000000 ( 10-9) of a unit


Metric Prefix Table:


Metric System Animation:









CHM 1032C Chapter One Homework Packet



Chapter One-Part J Metric Unit Factors             1 point

Fill in the blank with the number which completes the metric unit factor:


(1)     __________mg = 1.000 g


(2)     __________mg = 1.000 kg              


(3)     __________mL = 1.000 L                


(4)     __________cm = 1.000 m               


(5)    ___________mL = 1.00 cm3            


(6)   ____________km = 1.000 m


(7) ____________ g  =  1 kg


(8) ____________ cm = 1 dm


(9) ___________  µL = 1 L


(10) __________  nm = 1 m


(11)  Write a unit equation for each of the following metric equivalents:


(a)   M and Tm                (b)   L and mL               (c)  Bytes and G-bytes


(a) ______________     (b) ____________        (c)  ________________








Chapter One  Homework Packet


Part N: Unit Analysis Problems        5 points
 (Work any 10-you must show dimensional analysis sequence for credit)

Apply the unit analysis method of problem solving to each of the following
( If greater than three significant figures round off to three significant figures):

Problem 1

 An oxygen molecule travels 975 mi/hr at room temperature. There are 5280 ft = 1 mi; 12 in = 1 ft, 2.54 cm = 1 in, 1.6 km = 1 mi, and 3600 sec = 1 hr. What is the velocity in meters per second?

Problem 2

 If one gram is equal to 15.4 grains. How many 5.00 grain aspirin tablets may be made from 1.00 kilogram of aspirin?

Problem 3

 A parsec is the distance light travels in 3.26 years. Given the velocity of light, 3.00 x 108 m/sec, how many kilometers does light travel in one parsec?

Problem 4

 I have 1400 radio programs I want to put on an Apple Ipod. Each program requires 5 megabytes of disk space. If there are 1024 megabytes in a gigabyte. How many gigabytes of disk space do I need minimum to store all my programs on the IPod. The Mini-Ipod holds only 4 gigabytes of recordings, could I use a mini for my project?












Find the mass in grains of a 325 milligram aspirin tablet.
(Given: 1.00 g = 15.4 grains)





Insurance statistics state that a person loses 8 minutes of average life for each cigarette smoked. If there are 20 cigarettes in a pack and the average cost of cigarette is $5.00 per pack over the next 25 years, how many years of average life would a person lose for smoking 1.5 packs a day for 25 years?






What is the density of water in lb/ft3, if the density of water at 25oC is 1.00 g/ml?
[Hint: There are 2.54 cm = 1 in (or 16.48 cm3 = 1 in3); 454 g = 1 lb ]





Calculate the velocity of a car traveling car traveling 65 miles/hr in ft/sec.




How many milligrams does a 0.750 carat diamond weigh?
(Hint: 1 carat = 0.200 g)




Diamond has a density of 3.513 g/cm3. The mass of a diamond is often measured in carats, 1 carat equaling 0.200 g. What is the volume of a 1.50 carat diamond?




Liquor used to be sold in fifths. A fifth is one fifth of a gallon. A gallon is 128 fluid ounces. Today liquor is sold in bottle sizes of 750 ml to equate to the old fifth. If there are 946 ml in a quart, calculate the number of milliliters in a fifth. How many milliliters difference is there in the bottling?



















Problem 12

1. On July 23, 1983 Air Canada Flight 143, flying at 26,000 feet from Montreal to Edmonton, ran out of fuel because the first officer ask the mechanic for the conversion factor of mass to volume at Montreal. The mechanic gave the first officer the answer 1.77 with no units. The plane had 7682 L of fuel at Montreal. The pilot knew he needed 22,300 kg of fuel to make the trip. The mechanic's answer of 1.77 was pounds per liter not kilograms per liter caused the error such that only 4917 L of fuel was added. If there are 2.205 pounds in a kilogram, how many liters of fuel were needed for the trip? How many liters minimum of fuel should have been added at Montreal before takeoff?








Problem 13

Before 1982 the US Mint cast penny coins from an alloy of copper and zinc. A 1980 Penny weighs 3.051 g and contains 2.898 g of pure copper. In 1982 the US Mint stopped making copper pennies, because the price of copper was worth more than the penny. The post 1982 penny contains only a layer of copper over zinc. A 1990 penny weighs 2.554 g and contains 2.490 g of zinc. If the mint melted down one pound of 1980 pennies, how many 1990 pennies can be made from the total copper from the 1980 pennies?










Problems 14

An Olympic size swimming pool is 50.0 m long and 25.0 m wide. How many gallons of water ( d = 1.0g/mL )are needed to fill the pool to an average depth of 5.5 feet.





Problem 15

A furniture factory needs 29.5 ft2 of fabric to upholster one chair. A Europen supplier sends the fabric in bolts of exactly 200 m2. What is the maximum number of chairs that can be upholstered by three bolts of fabric. Hint: 1 m - 3.281 ft)?





Problem 16

My throw away car gets 23.4 mi/gal and hold 70.1 L of gasoline. How far can I drive on a tankful of gas?



If gas cost $3.49/gal; how much does a tankful of gas cost?



If the average speed on a trip is 92.2 km/hr, How many hours may I drive the car on the trip before I run out of gas?







CHM 1032C Chapter One Packet


Part O Temperature Conversion     2 points


The general formula for the conversion of temperatures on scale X to temperatures on scale Y is:

                          oY   =     Y units/ X units ( oX - RPx)   +   RPy


1.Write the formula for the conversion of Fahrenheit to Celsius:





2. Write the formula for the conversion of Kelvin to Celsius:






3. convert -196oC to oF









4. convert -196oC to K






5. The Rankin scale uses a Fahrenheit unit, but assumes zero to be absolute zero.  If absolute zero on the Kelvin scale is zero and on Celsius scale is -273oC, calculate absolute zero on the Fahrenheit scale, then estimate the Freezing point of water on the Rankin scale. (The BP water=212 oF=100 oC=373K)













CHM 1032C Chapter One Homework Packet


Chapter One-Part P: Density, Specific Gravity & Volume Problems  2 points


1. A quartz rock was cut into a rectangular solid paperweight.  IF the paperweight has a mass of 165 g and measures 5.00 cm by 5.00 cm by 25.0 mm, what is its volume in cubic centimeters?









2.  Calculate the density in g/mL for   10.0 grams of ethyl ether having a volume 14.0 mL.







Part Q: Heat and Specific Heat                      2 points


  1. Find the specific heat of gold if 25.0 cal is required to heat 30.0 g of gold from 27.7 oC to 54.9 oC.










  1. Calculate the heat required to raise to raise 25.0 g of iron (sp Heat=0.108 cal/g ∙ oC) from 25.0 oC to 50.0 oC.