Gas Mileage Calculation
Name: Student
Make of Vehicle
Date Start Miles End Miles Miles Driven Gallons Miles Per Gallon Price Per Gallon Total Price Cost Per Mile
26-Aug-2008 ??? 66829 ?? 10.75 ?? 3.62 38.90 ??
2-Sep-2008 66829 66894 65 2.73 23.81 3.67 10.02 0.15
4-Sep-2008 66894 67188 294 13.41 21.92 3.61 48.40 0.16
10-Sep-2008 67188 67494 306 13.3 23.01 3.59 47.73 0.16
13-Sep-2008 67494 67714 220 9.5 23.16 3.69 35.05 0.16
16-Sep-2008 67714 67869 155 6.87 22.56 3.87 26.59 0.17
19-Sep-2008 67869 68126 257 11.08 23.19 3.86 42.76 0.17
23-Sep-2008 68126 68348 222 10.85 20.46 3.85 41.76 0.19
26-Sep-2008 68348 68634 286 12.30 23.26 3.72 45.73 0.16
30-Sep-2008 68634 68814 180 7.73 23.29 3.72 28.75 0.16
5-Oct-2008 68814 69050 236 10.85 21.75 3.55 38.50 0.16
9-Oct-2008 69050 69307 257 12.14 21.16 3.50 42.49 0.17
14-Oct-2008 69307 69532 225 10.59 21.25 2.97 31.44 0.14
19-Oct-2008 69532 69831 299 13.44 22.25 2.84 38.16 0.13
23-Oct-2008 69831 70117 286 13.28 21.53 2.75 36.51 0.13
28-Oct-2008 70117 70371 254 12.38 20.51 2.44 30.20 0.12
3-Nov-2008 70371 70644 273 13.82 19.75 2.22 30.67 0.11
6-Nov-2008 70644 70959 315 14.46 21.79 2.14 30.92 0.10
11-Nov-2008 70959 71272 313 13.95 22.43 2.08 29.01 0.09
17-Nov-2008 71272 71529 257 12.48 20.59 1.98 24.71 0.10
21-Nov-2008 71529 71820 291 13.45 21.64 1.97 26.47 0.09
23-Nov-2008 71820 71946 126 6.39 19.72 1.88 12.00 0.10
Totals     5117 235.00 21.77 2.95 697.86 0.14
FB to FCCJ- N (via Mapquest) One Way Round Trip AVG Cost/Mile Avg Cost/Day Avg 4 Days/Wk  Estimated Fuel Cost 15 Week Semester
  32.87 65.74 0.14 $9.20 $36.81 $552.22
Length of Project = 89 days
Cost per Year @ $2.95/gallon and 2.64 gallons per day = $2843 per year
Cost per Year @ $3.50/gallon and 2.64 gallons used per day = $3373 per year
Cost per Year @ $4.00/gallon and 2.64 gallons used per day = $3855 per year
Cost per Year @ $5.00/gallon and 2.64 gallons used per day = $4818 per year
Annual Release of Carbon Dioxide = 2.64 gallons/day X 365 days X 19 Pounds/Gallon = 18, 308 pounds CO2