ESC 1000L  Space Science Video Notes    Name: ____________


Please watch the following video series. Take notes on each of the chapters of the disk. When you are finished each chapter, write questions that a student should be able to answer if she/he viewed this disk. You should have at least two or more questions for each chapter.

Naked Science: Birth of the Earth

How Was the Earth Created?

Our planet now supports a hug diversity of living creatures and requiring very special conditions, but what was the series of events that brought us to this unique set of conditions together? What did it take to make a world support human life? Our journey begins with the astonishing story of how a giant cloud of inter-stellar dust and gas collapsed to form the sun and the planets. Many of the features we take for granted on our living planet were forged in the most violent event in our planet’s history. We wouldn’t have the life today without water. But where did the water come from? Where did the oxygen come from? Why do we have a moon?


Take notes on the Earth’s Time Clock, explain each reference on the video:

Video Notes:




























Most Significant Discovery (discoveries)


ESC 1000L  Space Science Video Notes    Name: ____________


Please watch the following video series. Take notes on each of the chapters of the disk. When you are finished each chapter, write questions that a student should be able to answer if she/he viewed this disk. You should have at least two or more questions for each chapter.


Naked Science: Polar Apocalypse

Melting ice caps, rising sea levels, more and stronger hurricanes indicate Earth is getting hotter. Are we to blame? Discover the real science behind climate change.

Take Notes about Global warming via Ice Melting with a lot of What Ifs?

Video Notes:




































Most Significant Discovery (discoveries)