CHM1025C Module Homework Packet     Name:___________________


Module One: Matter and States of Matter (Corwin Chapters 1 & 3)

A. _____(05) Matter Chart- Section 3.2 p68 Fig 3.2  Answers

A1.____ (05) Matter Chart Applications Section 3.2 p68-69 See Practice/Concept Exercises

B. _____(10) Element-Symbol- Section 3.3 p72 Table 3.3  Answers          Fig 3.4 Tabl 3.2

C. _____(05) Element Classification- Section 3.4 p73 Fig 3.5  Answer

C1.____ (05) Compounds and Chemical Formulas Section 3.5

_______(30) Partial Module 1i Exam Total (first test)


D1,____ (05) Chemical and Physical Properties Section 3.6 Answers

D. _____(05) Chemical/Physical/Nuclear Change Sec 3.7 Answers Fig 3.1 Fig 3.6 Fig 3.11 Fig 3.12

E. _____(05) Forms of Energy Sec 3.9/10 p97 Answers Fig 3.13 Fig 3.14 Fig 3.15 Fig 3.16

E1.____ (05) Energy Transformations Section 3.10 p89-90 See Practice/Concept Exercises Answers

F. _____(05) Phase Diagram (From Lecture) Sect 3.1 p65 Answers

F1.____ (05) Phase Diagram Applications

_______(25) Partial Module 1ii Exam Total (second test)

________(55) M-1 Homework Packet

B2.______(20) Online/Flash Cards Element Homework

H. _____(60) Scientific Method Sec 1.1 p3 Fig 1.3 (Project)

K. _____(15) Key Terms Chap 1 p8-9, Chap 3 p92-93 Answer ck Online Practice Homework


          Module One: Part A Matter Chart   05 points


Draw below a matter chart similar to the chart in section 3.2 page 68 of the Corwin Introductory Chemistry text or it may be of your own design as long as it clearly denotes lines which describe which words are subunits of the more general word.  The chart should include the following: homogeneous mixtures, heterogeneous mixtures, Matter, Pure Substances, Mixtures, Compounds, Elements, Solutions, Atoms, Molecules/Formula Units, and Colloids/Suspensions. Also draw/label the arrows: Separate Physically and Separate Chemically:





















Matter Chart Homework Critical Thinking:


Module One: Part A1 Matter Chart-Critical Thinking Application  0 points


1.  Where would you place: colloids in the matter chart?



2. If you subdivided Inorganic Compounds and Organic Compounds under compounds.,  sketch below where would you put: Salts, Acids, Bases, Covalent Compounds?



3. Sketch below and show under which subdivision would you put:

Electrons, Protons, and Neutrons



4. . Sketch below and show under which subdivision would you put:

electrons, protons, neutrons, nucleus, orbitals











Module One Homework Packet




Module One Homework Packet


M-1 Part B: Element/Symbol   10 points

In the blanks below, write the symbol for the element listed (1/2 pt each), or write the name (with correct spelling)(1 points each) for the element represented by its symbol:


1.  Magnesium          _____                                     21.  Cl             __ ___________


2.  Manganese         _____                                     22.  F              _____________          


3.  Tungsten              _____                                     23.  I                _____________


4.  Platinum               _____                                     24.  Br             _____________


5.  Gold                      _____                                     25.  Zn            _____________


6.  Silver                     _____                                     26.  H              _____________


7.  Iron                        _____                                     27.  O              _____________


8.  Tin                         _____                                     28.  N              _____________


9.  Helium                  _____                                     29.  C              _____________


10. Antimony                        _____                                     30.   K             _____________


11. Lead                     _____                                     31.   P             _____________


12. Argon                   _____                                     32.   B             _____________


13.  Neon                   _____                                     33.   Al            _____________


14.  Krypton               _____                                     34.  Cr            _____________


15.  Arsenic               _____                                     35.  Ca           _____________


16.  Mercury              _____                                     36.  Bi             _____________


17.  Copper               _____                                     37.  Sr             _____________


18.  Cobalt                 _____                                     38.  Si             _____________


19.  Beryllium            _____                                     39.  Ni             _____________


20.  Selenium           _____                                     40.  Li             _____________









CHM 1025C   Module One:   Element Identification Homework  05points 

Identify each of the following elements chalk board representation:

b_chalk.gif      cl_chalk.gif

1. Element: _______________Symbol:_____   2.Element: _______________Symbol:_____

h_chalk.gif      na_chalk.gif

3. Element: _______________Symbol:_____   4.Element: _______________Symbol:_____

o_chalk.gif         al_chalk.gif

5. Element: _______________Symbol:_____   6.Element: _______________Symbol:_____

fe_chalk.gif         as_chalk.gif

7. Element: _______________Symbol:_____   8.Element: _______________Symbol:_____

f_chalk.gif    cu_chalk.gif

9. Element: _______________Symbol:_____   10.Element: _______________Symbol:_____


CHM1025C Module One Homework Packet


M-1 Part C: Element Classification           05 points

Using the periodic chart provided, in the blanks below write the classification of the elements listed:


The classifications of the elements are:


Semimetals (Metalloids);


Nonmetals-Nobel Gases;

Nonmetals-Class by Itself

Use the above classifications to classify each of the following elements.

You must split the nonmetals into three subclasses:


1.    12C6                     ______________                


2.    39K19                    ______________                


3.    11B5                     ______________                


4.    1H1                       _________________


5.    4He2                    _________________


6.    56Fe26                         _________________


7.    238U92                         _________________


8.    73Ge32                       _________________  


9.    9Be4                           _________________  


10.  86Rn222                    _________________  



CHM1025C Module One Homework Packet

Part C1: Compounds and Chemical Formulas (Section3.4)  5 points


1.   State the Law of Definite Composition:



2.   Define Molecule:



3.   The chemical formula for vitamin B3 is:  C6H6N2O


In One Molecule How Many:


_____ carbon atoms


_____ oxygen atoms


_____ total atoms


4.   Write the chemical formula for Vitamin B6 which has eight Carbon atoms, 11 Hydrogen atoms, one Nitrogen atom, and three Oxygen atoms:



How many total atoms are there in one Vitamin B6 molecule?


5.   Citric Acid (in citrus fruit) has the following chemical formula:




In one molecule of Citric Acid, How many:


______Carbon atoms


______Oxygen Atoms


______ Hydrogen Atoms


______ total atoms


How many atoms are in the following complex ion molecule:

[Cr(N2H4CO)6]4[Cr(CN)6]3     _______atoms


CHM1025C Module One Homework Packet


Part D: Chemical/Physical/Nuclear Change   5 points

State whether each of the following is a physical change,  a chemical change, or a nuclear change:


__________________1. Electricity decomposes water.



__________________ 2. Methanol dissolves in gasoline



__________________ 3. Dry ice pellets disappear



__________________ 4. Iron oxidizes to rust



__________________ 5. Bromine vaporizes into a reddish-brown gas



__________________ 6. Uranium-235 splits into two small elements when bombarded

                                         with neutrons in an atomic bomb.


___________________7. Copper conducts heat



___________________8. Baking soda fizzes in vinegar



___________________9. Grinding sugar crystals into a powder



__________________10. Sodium reacts with chlorine gas



__________________11. Adding air to a tire



__________________12. Slicing an orange into wedges



__________________13. Hydrogen atoms fuse into helium atoms in a hydrogen bomb



__________________14.” Dry ice”(Solid Carbon dioxide) vaporizes into a gas at room

                                           temperature and sea level pressure


__________________15. Natural Gas burs with a blue flame




CHM1025C Module One: Sample Exam Homework


Part D1: Chemical/Physical/Nuclear Properties (Section 3.6)  5 points

1. Define: Physical Property:



2. Chemical Property:



3. Classify each of the following as a chemical or physical property:


a.          Color  _________________


b.          Odor  _________________


c.          Reaction with water:  ____________________


d.         Solubility in water:      ____________________


e.          Melting point:             ____________________


f.           Boiling point:              ____________________


g.          Sublimation Point:      ____________________


h.          Reaction with oxygen  ____________________


i.            Density:       ____________________


j.            Solid state:  ___________________


k.          Reaction producing a Gas:  _____________________


l.            Conductor of electricity:       _____________________


m.        Water is insoluble in gasoline: _____________________


n.          Good conductor of heat:  _____________________


o.          Two chemical when mixed gives of heat: ___________________


p.          Appearance at Room Temperature:  ___________________


q.          An element turns black when heated ___________________


r.           Silver tarnishes in Air ____________________


s.           An element is radioactive: ________________



CHM1025C Module One Homework Packet

Part E: Energy/Forms of Energy                      5 points


Define Energy:





What is the difference between the two types of energy:  potential and kinetic energy?








List the six different forms of energy as an energy wheel as stated in the book:










Define the Law of Conservation of Energy:





Reword the Law of Conservation of Energy into the first law of thermodynamics:




Which state of matter has the lowest kinetic energy?



What is the “Heat Death Theory of the Universe”?



Bonus: define Gravitational Energy; Tidal Energy; Sound Energy; Magnetic Energy; Radiant Energy; Dark Energy


CHM1025C Module One Homework Packet

Part E1: Energy Transformations                         5 points


Identify two forms of energy that are involved in each of the following energy conversions:


1.    relating to a fossil fuel plant:

         a. Burning coal converts water to steam:



         b. A turbine spins and drives an electrical generator:




2.   Solar Hot Water Energy Panels:




3.   Photovoltaic Solar Energy Panels:




4.   Radioactive emissions vaporize water into steam




5.   Identify two forms of energy that are involved in each of the following devices:


a.           Flashlight


b.           Solar Calculator


c.           Lead-acid battery


6.   Classify the following energy sources as renewable and nonrenewable:
a. Biomass                                                f.  Hydropower
b. Petroleum                                    g. Coal
c. Geothermal                                 h. natural gas
d. Wind                                             i.  solar

e.           Uranium                                 j.  propane




CHM1025C Module One Homework Packet

Part F: Phase Diagrams                         5 points


Identify the points labeled on the

Phase Diagram of water:







_____________________B.              _____________________H


_____________________C.              _____________________I


_____________________D.              _____________________J


_____________________E.               _____________________K












CHM1025C Module One Homework Packet

Phase Diagram for Carbon Dioxide.




_____________________M.               ____________________T


_____________________N.              _____________________U


_____________________O.              _____________________V


_____________________P.               _____________________W





