File Formats:  

Windows as well as other Microsoft Programs allow the user to save files in a ridiculous fashion, which causes many problems on the web. What happens when a students opens a word processor or other application and types the first letter, is that Microsoft in their great wisdom creates a temporary name for the file which includes the first words typed or the title at the top of the page. This includes the NO! NO! spaces between words and super long file names. When the student saves the file, the student is to overwrite the program’s attempt to create these long file names with spaces and other non-letter/number symbols. It is best to keep the file name to eight letters before the period and the extension. The 55 in Taylor's file names is an abbreviation for CGS 1555.

hen working with unsaved files, many programs such as homesite will make a back-up save, which includes a tilde: ~hs_55sylS04.html . The tilde ~ will truncate extra long files. The ~tilde in URL’s have a different meaning such as: or

Please do not use more than eight letters or numbers in a file name with no other symbols (except the underscore if you just have to have a space in the name). The instructor will forgive pushing it to 10 or 12 characters, but no more. Next: Do NOT use Uppercase letters, except as noted above to replace a space between two words. For every file the instructor has to view, which violates the rule of the class, 50 points will be deducted.

This File Format Page was last modified by John Taylor:


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