On-Line Quizzes and Exams:

After the first two weeks, students will complete on-line quizzes and exams. The quizzes are open book/notes, but must be completed individually without assistance from peers at home. These quizzes (up to 12 total) will be the exercises that should be completed prior to attempting weekly online tests via WebCT. 15-60 points of the total grade (one point for each correct answer) will be earned for the completion of these weekly quizzes.

After completion of the quiz, the student will attempt a timed on-line exam through WebCT. The WebCT exams will be 25 randomly selected questions worth 2 points each for 50 total points.

he student will have only 40 minutes to complete the WebCT test. The student will be allowed two additional retests to improve the grade, except the last retest will be the score which counts toward the final grade. The previous scores on the same test will be dropped. The questions on the WebCT exams will be only Multiple Choice and True False. If a student disagrees with the answer on the WebCT test, notify the instructor via email with the question # and an explanation of challenging the WebCT answer.

log-on to WebCT account (Links to new 4.x site): My WebCT

Your WebCT ID will be the first initial of your first name and the first initial of your last name, combined with your seven digit Student ID number (NOT Your SS#) for example: John Taylor's user name would be jt1234567
Important Note: Your initials are case sensitive and must be in lower case.

Your password is your six digit birthday.
For example if you were born on July 7, 1977, your password would be 070777

These pre-exam online quizzes may also cover the On-Line materials assigned, starting with the History of the Internet from Web Yoda, in addition to the 13 chapters. There are also six 55 minute videos available at the Brandon library. The first set is "Triumph of the Nerds" (1996). The second set of three videos: Nerds 2.0.1. (1998) will have an on-line quiz after the third video (Students should take notes-or review the films in the library or at home if available for checkout).

These online quizzes on the instructor's web site are on the quiz menu page:

The instructor will prepare the chapter preexam quizzes from the required textbook: The Internet (New Perspective Series-Comprehensive Edition). The chapter quizzes will be worth up to 55 points each, 50 points short answer and an additional 5 points for an essay question when on the quiz. (Not every quiz has an essay question) The on-line chapter quizzes allow the student to check the test before submitting it. Until someone volunteers to retype the quizzes, many of the current quizzes were placed online using the previous editions of the book. Therefore, the hints may not have the correct page referenced. Chapters 8 and 10 will be added this term.

CGS 1555 students should access Test Zero from their home to test their ISP:
  1. Enter your name and email address,
  2. Enter the answer to #1 as choice a,
  3. Scroll down to the "All Done Check the Test" button and click to see if your ISP's browser pops up the window and grades the test with a score of 1 out of 50.
  4. Finally click the submit button and see if the test submits. If it submits a thank-you screen appears with Web Yoda course diskettes

Tutorial 0: CGS 1555 Test Template

The student must check the quiz at least once before submitting it. After checking it, the student has an option to change the answer to the correct answer before submitting it. From time to time, especially during Beta Testing a new quiz, a wrong answer will be programmed in the test checker. If the student strongly disagrees with the computer’s answer, the student should challenge the answer by describing why the computer’s answer is wrong in the “I discovered that…” section of the test.

When you have completed the quiz, press the   ALL DONE-CHECK TEST   button at the bottom of the test to check the test! Then you may go back and change the incorrect answers before you SUBMIT the test. You may check the answers as many times as you need until you achieve a perfect grade. Sometimes the pop-up box does not appear when you click on the button after checking the test the first time. If this happens, minimize the test and the answer box will be behind the browser. Close the box and maximize the test to continue the test. After you answered all the questions successfully, submit the quiz.

Also, sometimes the quiz checker doesn’t work or indicates a JavaScript error. If the test will not grade, print out a hard copy and try submiting the test using the alternate submit button. If it submits, you will recieve your ungraded quiz back from the instructor with a list of the correct answrs. Grade your test including the short answers from the email and submit the graded quiz to the instructor via a separate email with a notation of the crrected score and the wrong answer flagged. The instructor charges at least 15 points for quizzes not checked, making the maximum score 35 out of 50. Also the instructor charges 15 points for a student who fails to place their name on the test or another 15 points if they fail to place their correct email address at the top of the test.

If you have problems submitting the quiz, go back to the "All Done Check Test" button and bring back the popup screen. That screen has a menubar. You may use the menu to printout the results for your files. You may use the edit menu to copy the answer popup to clipboard, then paste the contents into an email. Make certain you put 55e: Tutorial XX Quiz-Alternate Submission as the subject of the email.

Midterm Exam:
The student will complete by the end of the seventh week a midetrm exam by playing “Who wants to be a Computer Genius?” found at:
Attempt Chapter 2 of the CGS 1100 text, which is the Internet Chapter. You have to the access Chapter 2 through the computer genius menu on the scsite.com. You may use the above link to access the game. Put you full name in the blank before you begin. Play the game. You have three lifelines. If you complete the game successfully and become an “Computer (Internet) Genius”, print the page as proof and note how many lifelines you used. You will receive 100% of the points for completing the game successfully regardless of the lifelines used.

You have only 60 seconds to answer each question, unless you use the third lifeline, which is consulting (Not a Friend) a particular section of the book (Discovering Computers 2004), which stops the clock. Failing to answer a question in 60 seconds or answering a question incorrectly burns a lifeline. When all Lifelines are used, an incorrect answer ends the game. You can also send the results to the instructor by clicking: Control PrintScreen to copy the results to the clipboard and paste it into an email. For each score under 15, 10 points will be deducted from the 100 point value.

Final Exam:

The instructor will administer an on-line Final Exam over the assigned tutorials from the text using WebCT or during the final class meeting. The student may also complete the exam off campus or in the Brandon Campus test center. The test will be 60-100 questions via WebCT. This exam may be open book and open notes, but must be completed individually on-line in 60-100 minutes or in the testing center with a two hour (120 minute) time limit. This exam will be worth 120 points with two point(s) earned for each correct answer.

As an alternative the student may complete On-Line Web Yoda Associate Webmaster Certification Exam (60 questions-60 minutes) for $35. Passing the exam (80% or better) will constitute a 100% grade on the Final. There is an exam voucher in the WAW $100 package.

On-Line Security Check:

During the exams or the final exam, on-line security checks may occur. Students will fill out a data form at the orientation session. Students will have to show the instructor photo identification of themselves when submitting these forms at the end of the orientation. When a security check occurs, the student will have 30 seconds to respond with the correct answer or the test will be voided.

Spring Term 2004 Quizzes:

Taylor's Test Menu

Tutorial Zero ,   Tutorial 1 ,    Tutorial 2,    Tutorial 3,    Tutorial 4 ,    Tutorial 5 ,   

HTML Tutorial 1    HTML Tutorial 2    Tutorial 6    Tutorial 7    Tutorial 9   

History of Internet Quiz (not available 1/15/04)
Tutorial 8 (not available 1/15/04)
Tutorial 10 (not available 1/15/04)
HTML Tutorial 3 (not available 1/15/04)

Syllabus Menu Page was last modified by John Taylor:


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