HTML Text    
Editor Software: 

The student will build a web site and post it on the Internet. The last two chapters of the text: HTML Tutorial 1 and 2 will be completed. Complete directions (step by step) are available in the text. The student will use notepad to code the first two pages. The software PACKAGE above is available to make the work much easier for additional pages and a Web Yoda step by step tutorial will walk the student through the use of this software. Those purchasing the WAW package will be supplied with a CD with Homesite 4.51 to install or the student may download a 30 day free trial package of version 5.5 from MacroMedia:


f the student currently uses a WYSIWYG editor to generate web pages, please refrain from using Front Page, Dreamweaver, or similar editor during the course. The instructor’s text editor of choice is the HTML Editor: HomeSite 5.5. Homesite 5.5+ is included with Macromedia's Dreamweaver MX which sells acadmically for $99 (Not the $199 you see on their web site). Students using Homesite 4.51 will be prompted for an upgrade. Please DO NOT UPGRADE unless you own the package. Students may also use notepad to type all code from scratch and never use and HTML editor. Also, Homesite 5.5 sells for $99 retail.

The purpose of using HomeSite first in CGS1555/CGS 2820 is for the student to become familiar with HTML code. The purpose of CGS 2822 is to concentrate on building web sites and to study web design.

Academic Software Purchases:

As students of HCC, you may purchase software, fully licensed, called Academic Versions for your home use at reduced prices, which are generally lower then local stores and online pricing deals. For example, HomeSite cost $99 when purchased from the Vendor: Macromedia (in 2001 Macromedia purchased Allaire Corporation). However, you can order from an Academic Vendor: Software One at 1-800-444-9890. Our HCC rep is Brian Reagle. I must tell him or verify to him you are a student or co-employee of HCC. The price varies. Other good academic deals: Office XP Profession-full version $189 (not upgrade), Adobe PhotoShop 8.0 $264, and Word Perfect Office Profession (including Paradox) $93. Our Bookstore also sells Academic versions such as Dreamweaver MX $99—Brian price $94 but you have to also pay shipping.

Download HomeSite 5.5 for 30 days:

This academic software information Page was last modified by John Taylor:

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